Landowners often wonder if hiring a forestry consultant to conduct their timber sale is worth the cost. To answer this question we please read the following pamphlet: Frequently Asked Questions about Timber Sales
Here are some of the reference materials from our pamphlet “Frequently Asked Questions about Timber Sales”.
1. “The Value of a Consulting Forester”.
2. “Do Consultants Really Generate Higher Timber Prices?”
3. “Confessions of a Timber Buyer”
4. NEW “Ways Timber is Purchased”
No one prepares and presents a timber sale quite like we do. From the beginning of the field work through to the sale prospectus and closing we offer landowners advantages that other forestry companies don’t.
- All timber cruise data is recorded on field computers that check for errors while on the property. Inventory Plots are located with real-time GPS coordinates which allows for post stratification of timber stands. This allows us to produce a more accurate timber cruise with a better determination of timber value.
- All sale boundaries are delineated with paint, not flagging, because flagging can be easily moved, thus enlarging the sale area to areas the owner never intended to sale. These sale boundaries are then located with GPS coordinates. This information is used to produce a timber sale map that will be attached and made part of the Timber Deed or Contract. Accurate maps are also important after the sale when it is time to replant. Planting and Site Preparation contractors are usually paid by the acre, so by knowing the exact acreage, the landowner can be assured they will not be overcharged for these services.
- Full color timber sale prospectuses’ with photos.
- We provide timber buyers with the quick, concise information they are looking for in an easy to read format. Sale boundaries are color coded on the map to what buyers will see on the ground.
Recent and Pending Timber Sales (Click for Information)
- Wilson Tract Timber Sale (09/27/2024)
- NBC LLC Tract Timber Sale (03/08/2024)
- Josh Garrett Tract Timber Sale (02/23/2024)
- Beard, Rutland, & Smith Timber Sale (02/16/2024)
- Circle Bar Ranch (08/11/2023)
- Boleware & Bell Tract Timber Sale (05/17/2023)
- Lydia Brent Tract Timber Sale (02/10/23)
- James Harris Tract Timber Sale (01/27/23)
- McGehee, Adams, & Smith Tract Timber Sale (01/20/23).
- Stuart/Pierce Tract Timber Sale (07/01/2022)
- Oatis Tract Timber Sale (04/29/2022)
- G. Dale Smith Tract Timber Sale (04/29/2022)